Melbourne, FL – Are you aware about the requirements of effective sneeze guards?
Considering the unfortunate situation that we are still living through the Covid19 pandemic, it’s important to take a moment to learn more about the requirements of effective sneeze guards. During the last months, sneeze guards have become a regularity in public spaces and offices to guard our safety. It’s an effective way to prevent the exchange of respiratory droplets that could carry the virus. In this article we are discussing the most important requirements related to effective sneeze guards.

Sneeze Guard Regulations
At the moment there are no binding government standards for sneeze guard regulations established in regards to COVID-19. Although the CDC does recommend personal and environmental prevention practices. Currently, the FDA controls sneeze guard requirements and standards for food safety only. This refers to restaurants, buffets and any food display, whom can benefit from sneeze guards and any type of transparent divider. The fact that there are currently no binding government standards, shouldn’t stop you from considering sneeze guards to keep your customers and employees safe.
Sneeze Guard Height Requirements
One of the most asked questions about sneeze guards is definitely: how high does a sneeze guard need to be? The exact answer to this question depends on the set-up of your premises. For example, a cashier or counter at eye level, desks in offices or dining booths. However the most effective barriers are between 5ft and 6ft tall, with a proportional width. As your local sign company we provide custom size sneeze guards, making them suitable for any application. Whether you need them in an office, restaurant or store we can find the right solution to meet the perfect height requirements.

Sneeze Guard Thickness & Material Requirements
To keep things simple there are no requirements when it comes to thickness. This is more related to the practicality and the durability that you are looking for. At Sign Partners the most popular thickness of sneeze guards is a ¼” thick. This keeps the sneeze guard lightweight but provides enough thickness to provide sturdiness. Since sneeze guards are made from solid materials like acrylic or polycarbonate it’s important to know that the thickness doesn’t matter to it’s effectiveness of exchange respiratory droplets.

Effective Sneeze Guards by Sign Partners
As your local sign company, located in Melbourne, FL we are dedicated to provide effective sneeze guards and social distancing signs. We aim to keep our community safe and would like to contribute in the process. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions about sneeze guards and social distancing signs, to find out what’s right for your business. Our sign experts serve companies throughout South Florida & Central Florida for all your signage needs. Contact us today to start your next signage project!