7 Must-have Exterior Directory & Wayfinding Signs in any commercial building

Exterior Directory and Wayfinding Signs are an essential part of any building, be it a hospital or a shopping mall. Parking lot signs are not left out as this serves as the first point of contact to any commercial building. These signs are used to direct traffic, protect pedestrians, and explain parking lot policies as at where necessary. Parking spot safety directories helps to regulate and bring order to any parking lot.
Facilities that Need Parking Lot Directories
Signages are an essential part of any business as they can be customized to suit the need of such companies. Directory & wayfinding signs are beneficial for the following types of businesses:

· Hospitals
· Sports venues
· Theaters
· Accounting and CPA firms
· Hotel lobbies
· Airports
· Music venues
· Law firms
· Department stores
· Auto dealerships
· Universities, preschools, colleges, and other schools
And more

7 Exterior Directory & Wayfinding Signs A Parking Lot Like Hospitals and Shopping Malls Should Have
Having a plan in place for any possible outcome is crucial when designing the layout of your property. As little as it may sound, direction actually starts from the parking lot up to the interior of the building in question. When this is not properly outlined, there may be misdirection’s as well clustered and unprofessionally looking lot area.
Left to tend to themselves calls for disastrous and chaotic situation, hence the need for directories to ensure a clean, safe and orderly environment.
These 7 exterior directory signs for parking lot's in a hospital and shopping mall can help you turn your parking lot in to a well-organized extension of your business:
1. Emergency Parking Signs
Just as is the case of a fire lane, an emergence parking lot should be kept for easy access of ambulances when the need arises.
2. Speed Limit Signs
Having speed limits in a hospital or shopping mall helps prevent drivers from losing track of their speed and taking precautions in their immediate environment.
3. Handicap Parking Signs
Keeping parking lots for those that are disabled is very important if you are to comply with America's Disabilities Act (ADA). For every handicap parking lot, there must be a parking sign allotted for it. You can always check for the specific sign for each state.
4. Pedestrian Crossing Signs
Just as is the case of speed limit signs, pedestrian crossing signs are handy to keep drivers in check on the daily movement of visitors in that facility.
5. Fire Lane Signs
In case of fire outbreak, fire lanes must be kept vacant, therefore, vehicles must be prohibited from parking there. Having this sign visible will create awareness to visitors at all times.
6. Entrance and Exit Signs
Most times, vehicles tend to enter and exit through the wrong outlets, thereby causing a blockade in traffic. This sign helps control free flow of vehicle traffic within the building.
7. Customer Parking Signs
You will want your customers to feel welcome, therefore, reserving a spot for their parking is crucial for their patronage. Also, having this sign keeps other businesses from parking in that spot as well as employees.
There are plenty of other signs commercial buildings can engage for exterior directories. The overall purpose is for adequate direction to be given thereby ensuring free flow of both human and vehicle traffic as well give the property a professional and well organized look. Our experts and Sign Partners can assist you with a proposal, contact us at 561.270.6919 or info@sign-partners.com