Stratford Green HOA in Boca Raton, FL
Community Entrance Sign Refurbishment

As your local sign company, we have recently completed another Community Entrance Sign refurbishment for a subdivision community in Boca Raton, FL. We worked together with the Home Owners Association of Stratford Green, which is a subdivision community, located in the north of Boca Raton, just off Yamato road. In this case study we will describe the process of refurbishing an existing monument sign. Keep reading if you believe your community monument sign is in need of an upgrade and we’ll explain how easy the process can be.

Monument Sign Refurbishment Job Scope
All sign projects start with the design of your sign. At Sign Partners we offer an initial consultation to discuss your requirements and schedule a site survey accordingly. Stratford Green enquired about upgrading their existing outdated Community Entrance Signs and were looking for a more modern design. One of their wishes included to eliminate the existing curves with trims and to be replaced with an elegant flat rectangular shape. Another requirement was to include Illuminated Channel Letters on the Monument Sign to enhance the visibility at night. Our design team got to work and came up with a few design options for their review. The winning option included a beautiful granite face, making the new design one of a kind.
Fabrication & Installation
Upon receipt of the design approval and the sign permit, it was time to start the actual work. Considering the scope of the job included a refurbishment, the first step of the process was dedicated to the removal of all existing sign elements and convert the curved shape of the monument sign into a rectangular shape. After the sign was prepped, we proceeded with the painting of the sign and the installation of the granite face. The next step of the process is a very careful one, as it involves drilling into the granite tiles. This is a very careful process, considering the nature of the material that can crack easily if not handled carefully. When the drilling was finalized, the installation of the illuminated reverse channel letters was completed, which finishes the installation process.
Scroll through the pictures below to get a better idea of the different steps involved in the refurbishment of a Community Entrance Sign.
Specialist in Community Entrance Sign Refurbishment
At Sign Partners we are specialized in the fabrication and refurbishment of Monument Signs for communities. Depending on your design requirements and budget we work with different materials, including stone, brick, concrete, EPS foam and granite. If you are interested to learn more about Community Entrance Signs click here. In addition to the design, fabrication and installation process, we also take care of the permit application for your new or refurbished entrance sign. As your local sign company, we are state licensed and insured, making Sign Partners the right partner for all your outdoor signage needs.

Is your community in need of a new Entrance Sign? Call Sign Partners at (561) 270-6919 or fill in the contact form here.