South Florida Proton Therapy Institute
Interior ADA & Wayfinding Signage | Exterior Illuminated Building & Monument Signage

Let’s take a look at Proton’s new facility in Delray Beach!
Proton International contacted Sign Partners for a proposal for the interior and exterior building signs for their new facility in Delray Beach. Proton therapy is a form of radiation therapy that destroys cancer cells by preventing them from dividing and growing - the same as with standard X-ray radiation. Proton therapy uses protons - heavy, positively charged atomic particles - instead of the photons used in standard X-ray radiation therapy.
Sign Partners partnered with Proton International’s team to execute all their interior and exterior signage needs for their new facility. Both interior and exterior signage is a crucial part of the execution of the facility. Taking into consideration the esthetics, safety, wayfinding and the local Americans with Disabilities Act, Sign Partners provided a comprehensive signage proposal.
Proton International’s branding was taking into consideration for all sign design, in combination with the local regulations in order to obtain necessary permits. Sign Partners takes care of all necessary permits for different types of signs as required.
Exterior Signage | Building Signs & Illuminated Monument Signage
Exterior Signage is an important aspect for a facility in terms of branding, however wayfinding and identification is the main objective for good outdoor signage. Proton International has an illuminated monument signage for wayfinding purposes which includes the building number as required by the law. In addition to the monument sign, the building has several building wall signs on different locations for easy identification and branding purposes. Large window graphics are an additional aspect of the exterior elevation, designed by the architect contributing to the overall design of the facility.

Interior Signage | ADA Room Signs & Wayfinding Signage
The interior signage project for Proton International consists out of ADA compliant room signs for the entire building. This includes room signs for all rooms, including restrooms, treatment rooms and offices. In addition to the ADA room signs, we installed several directory signs for the convenience of the visitors who are unfamiliar with the facilities. This also includes elevator & stair signs and evacuation plans for safety.

Discover for yourself how signage can contribute to your facility and call or email our experts today!